Texas PACS: A Roundup of the Special Interests Driving Texas' Political Action CommitteesHome

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  • 974 general-purpose political action committees (PACs) in Texas reported $56 million in expenditures from 1995 through 1997.
  • Half of all of these PAC expenditures came from the 36 largest PACs, which spent more than $300,000 apiece.
  • PACs directly affiliated with businesses spent 66% percent of the money ($37.2 million), ideological and single-issue PACs spent 29% ($16 million) and labor PACs spent 5% ($2.6 million).
  • The Texas Democratic Party ran the biggest PAC in Texas ($4.1 million). 50 Democratic/Liberal PACs spent $6.8 million, edging out the $6.3 million spent by 157 Republican/Conservative PACs.
  • The largest single-issue PACs were Texans for Lawsuit Reform ($1.3 million) and the A+ PAC for Parental School Choice ($452,306). This $1.75 million mainly benefited conservative Republican candidates and causes.
  • The Texas Association of Realtors had the largest business-related PAC ($1.4 million), which narrowly out spent the largest PAC affiliated with a specific business: Vinson & Elkins.
  • The Texas State Teachers Association had the largest labor PAC, which spent $342,368.
  • The election year 1996 accounted for 56% of all expenditures; spending was up 22% in the non-election year of 1997 compared to the previous non-election year of 1995.

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