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Tony Sanchez’s War Chest: Who Gives To A $600 Million Man?

VI. End Notes

  1.   GOP Goes After Sanchez Over S&L, Voting Record,” Dallas Morning News, August 31, 2001; “Democrats Spar Over Loyalty,” Dallas Morning News, January 20, 2002.
  2.   The Buying of the President 2000,” Center for Public Integrity, 2000.
  3.   “Enron Shoe Placed on Sanchez’s Foot,” Houston Chronicle, July 17, 2002; “Enron Had Account At Sanchez Bank,” Dallas Morning News, August 28, 2002.
  4.   “State Facing Ethics Crisis Sanchez Tells Democrats,” Austin American-Statesman, June 15, 2002.
  5.   Moarles Questions Sanchez’s Motives,” Austin American-Statesman, March 20, 2002.
  6.   The proposed ad apparently envisioned African-American actors as background customers in a repair shop and mostly Caucasian actors as the talking heads attacking Perry’s attack ads. “Sanchez Campaigner Fired Over Proposed Ad,” Austin American-Statesman, August 3, 2002.
  7.   The PAC’s fine was $7,500. “Sanchez-Controlled Bank Is Fined,” Dallas Morning News, April 14, 2002.
  8.   See the Austin American-Statesman: “Sanchez, Perry Swap Charges on Finances,” April 17, 2002; “Sanchez’s Wealth in Political Spotlight,” April 14, 2002.
  9.   He recently held memberships in the American Petroleum Institute, the Independent Petroleum Association, the National Petroleum Council and the Texas Water Foundation. He also sits on the board of Conoco.
  10.   “Sanchez: Money Raised After Nov. 5 Won’t Go To Loans,” Austin American-Statesman, June 28, 2002.
  11.   “Sanchez Says He’ll Consider Blind Trust,” Dallas Morning News, April 12, 2002. “Sanchez’s Wealth in Political Spotlight,” Austin American-Statesman, April 14, 2002.
  12.   “Loans Fuel 37 Percent Of Texas Campaign Spending,” TPJ’s Lobby Watch, March 28, 2002.
  13.   “Car Dealers Shift Gears, Back Sanchez,” Dallas Morning News, July 18, 2002.
  14.   Early in his career, Sanchez diversified his oil wealth by investing in auto dealerships.
  15.   “Candidate Often Uses Hand-On Style of Management With His Investments,” Austin American-Statesman, March 3, 2002.
  16.   “The Trouble With Zixit,” Austin American-Statesman, March 11, 2002. “Dallas Firm Accuses Sanchez of Lying,” Dallas Morning News, September 26, 2002.
  17.   In a curious twist of fate, Kralj defaulted on a $3 million loan from Sanchez’s Tesoro S&L in the 1980s. A Tesoro successor sued Kralj to recover the funds; he countersued, alleging usury. The U.S. Federal Fifth Circuit ruled for the bank in 1992 (Federal Savings & Loan v. Nicholas K. Kralj, Case No. 91-2841).
  18.   The Big Five are: Harold Nix, John O’Quinn, Wayne Reaud, Walter Umphrey and John Eddie Williams.
  19.   “Lawyers in Tobacco Suit Back Sanchez,” Dallas Morning News, January 11, 2002.
  20.   “Secretary of State Cites Smear Attack,” Houston Chronicle, March 27, 2001.
  21.   Brother R. Steven Hicks gave $138,516 exclusively to Perry.
  22.   Buying of the President 2000, Center for Public Integrity, 2000.
  23.   Current UTIMCO board member John McStay gave Perry $117,000 and Sanchez $5,000.
  24.   See the Houston Chronicle’s: “Return To Secrecy,” September 16, 2002; and “Secrecy Cloaks $1.7 Billion in UT Investments,” March 21, 1999.
  25.   The Bass family also made the list of Bush’s top five “career patrons.” Lee Bass gave Perry $127,592.
  26.   Sanchez also failed to come clean about federal Tesoro probes on his application to be a UT regent. See “Sanchez Q&A: Fact or Fiction,” Austin American-Statesman, December 18, 2001.
  27.   See the Dallas Morning News: “Sanchez Expects Scrutiny of Money Laundering Case,” August 5, 2001; “For $1 Million, Sanchez Settled Years of Scrutiny,” December 16, 2001; and “Sanchez Won’t Approve Release of Federal Files,” August 9, 2002.
  28.   “Banking On Secrecy,” Time Magazine, October 14, 2001.
  29.   “Sanchez Panned Industry But Has Ties To Insurance,” Austin American-Statesman, February 16, 2002.
  30.   “Golf Group Drops Plan for Resort Atop Aquifer Near San Antonio,” New York Times, August 2, 2002.
  31.   “Dr. Issues Killer Post-Mortem On Perry’s Prompt-Pay Veto,” TPJ’s Lobby Watch, October 8, 2001.
  32.   “Perry tries to placate doctors,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, June 26, 2001.
  33.   “Statewide Medical Association Endorses Sanchez,” Texas Medical Association release, April 19, 2002.
  34.   See Austin American-Statesman: “Rules May Help Doctors Get Paid,” July 25, 2001; “Insurers Settle With State Over Tardy Doctor Payments,” August 2, 2001.
  35.   “South Texas Doctors Eye Walkout,” Laredo Morning News, April 8, 2002.



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