"Secret Justice" Lawsuit Heard by Federal Judge, October 1, 2003
Texas Lawmakers Go Out of District for Election Funds, September 22, 2003
Prop. 12 Proponents Gave $5.3 Million To Politicians, August 29, 2003
Are Bush's Big Bankers Fixing To BBQ Eliot Spitzer? , August 8, 2003
Pryor, Cornyn Must Disclose Stealth RAGA Donors, July 21, 2003
TPJ Lawsuit Seeks Disclosure of Rep. Canales' Court Delays, April 04, 2003
TPJ Files Complaint Against Texans for Republican Majority, March 31, 2003
Six Allied Donor Sources Give the TAB 23 Half of their War Chest, July 2, 2003
29 Luddite Lawmakers Fail To File Computerized Campaign Reports On $3 Million In Political Donations, February 28, 2003
Did Insurance Industry Pay for TAB Ads?, February 18, 2003
Groups Ask Sen. Hutchinson & Cornyn To Co-Sponsor Free Air Time Bill, February 10, 2003
Letter to Pres. Bush from the Texas Ad Hoc Coalition on Judicial Nominees, January 2, 2002
Luddite PACs & Candidates Hide $8 Million In Political Funds From Electronic Disclosure, October 24, 2002
Studies Probe $66 Million That TX Gubernatorial Candidates Raised, October 2, 2002
Vote of No Confidence, August 27, 2002
Texas Groups Announce Opposition to Owen Appointment to Federal Appeals Bench, July 9, 2002
Also read:
Coalition Letter to Sen. Patrick Leahy
Points on Texas Justice Priscilla Owen
‘Austin’s Oldest Profession’ Grows Older and Fatter, July 2, 2002
Foundations Award Texans for Public Justice $125,000 To Follow Money Trail in Texas, June 24, 2002
Lawsuit Targets "Secret Justice" By Texas Supreme Court , May 21, 2002
Wall St. Journal: Insurers Caused Insurance Crisis, April 11, 2002
Gov. Perry Misdiagnoses Causes of Doctors’ Insurance Woes, April 5, 2002
43 "Pioneer" Fundraisers Get Bush Appointments, March 5, 2002
Lawsuit Seeks Public Disclosure Of Court Delays, February 26, 2002
-Background on Legislative Continuances-
Corporate Sponsors Flooded
Cornyn’s AG War Chest, January 14, 2002
Despite President's Denials, Enron
& Lay Were Early Backers of Bush, January 11, 2002
TPJ Receives $50,000 Soros Research
Grant, December 20, 2001
TPJ Awarded Arca Research Grant,
December 17, 2001
Tort Tycoons Poured Millions
into 2000 Texas Elections, November 27, 2001
Group Urges Cornyn To Halt
‘Bundling’ Scheme, Disclose Campaign’s Secret "Patriots" & "Underwriters",
October 31, 2001
or download the pdf version
Read the Letter from TPJ
to Cornyn, October 30, 2001
or download the pdf version
Big Donors Enjoy Greater Access
To Texas High Court, New Report Finds, April 24, 2001
Group Congratulates, Challenges
Newest Texas Supreme Court Justice, March 14, 2001
Clerk Perks Spawn Hundreds
Of Potential High-Court Conflicts, January 30, 2001
Lobby Expenditures Jump 13
Percent From 1998 to 2000, January 29, 2001
Bush Got $1.4 Million From
Officials Whom He Appointed to State Office, October 24, 2000
Texas Trails National Curve,
September 25, 2000
Texas Broadcasters Do Brisk
Political Business During Primaries, September 20, 2000
Alliance for Better Campaigns
Launches GREEDYTV.ORG, September 14, 2000
Texas Supreme Court Urged
to Disclose All Its Clerks’ Perks, September 12, 2000
Court Takes One Step Forward,
One Step Back In Horizon v. Auld, August 24, 2000
Bush’s Pioneer Fundraising
Network Detailed in New Report, July 28, 2000
Texas Supreme Court Silences
Whistleblowers and Juries, June 29, 2000
High Court Delivers Ruling
Class Actions, May 11, 2000
Texans for Public Justice
Receives Court-Reform Grant, May 9, 2000
Court Quickly, Unanimously
Goes With Cash, April 13, 2000
Cornyn Gives Aetna a Sweetheart
Deal, April 11, 2000
Supreme Court Fundraising Tops
$11 Million, April 11, 2000
Texans for Public Justice Announces
New Research Grant, April 6, 2000
Texas RAGA Event Smells Like Bad
Government, March 30, 2000
Did Chicken Droppings Fuel Wyly
Attack Ad Against McCain?, March 6, 2000
Wily Bush Donor Trashing
McCain Record Himself Has Dubious Green Credentials, March 3, 2000
Bush's Latest $100,000 "Pioneers"
Profiled, February 28, 2000
Throwing Stones From the
Glass Mansion, February 9, 2000
Bush's Texas Money Network Uncovered,
January 20, 2000
Texas Chemical Council Members
Dump Toxins and Money, August 11, 1999
Bush $100,000 "Pioneers" Identified,
July 21, 1999
Watchdog Group Calls on Bush
to Release Names of $100,000 "Pioneers", July 19, 1999 -
in an open letter, TPJ director Craig McDonald asks Bush to release the
names of his network of campaign financers.
Texas PAC Spending Leaps 20%,
June 29, 1999
Forecast: Digital Sunshine Coming
to Texas, May 30, 1999
Special-Interests Spend Up to
$180 Million On Lobby Services in 1999 Legislative Session, May
20, 1999
Demonstrates Need For Electronic Disclosure of Campaign Money,
May 14, 1999
Incumbents Wield
Preemptive Fundraising Power, Apr. 21, 1999
Watchdog Group
Criticizes Bush Plan to Dodge Presidential Spending Limit, Apr.
12, 1998
TPJ Releases Campaign
Finance Reform Factsheets, Dec. 10, 1998
Texas PACs Give
$56 Million, Oct. 15, 1998
Time For Texas
Politicians To Join Information Revolution, Aug. 18, 1998
Tainted Supreme
Court Justices Expand Tolerance of Judicial Bias, July 7, 1998
Smog Lobby Blankets
Texas With Campaign Cash, June 9, 1998
Bush's Legislative
Director Wins Hopwood Attorney-Fee Lottery, Mar. 25, 1998
Texas Supreme
Court Fundraising Closely Tied to Court's Case Load, Feb. 23, 1998
To read those press releases below you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You can get a free copy here:
Caps Would Limit
"Issue" PAC Money Laundering by Tycoons, Jan. 30, 1998 (13Kb)
Big Money
Rules Texas House, Jan. 26, 1998 (14Kb)
Tobacco Baron
Ghosts Haunt Cancer Society's 'Cattle Baron' Host,
Sept. 18, 1997 (13Kb)
Governor Bush
Should Return Campaign Cash from Tobacco Lobbyists, Aug. 28, 1997
Three San
Antonio Politicos Gone Loco for Tobacco, June 10, 1997 (16Kb)
Skew Revealed in Key Tobacco Votes, June 10, 1997 (16Kb)