
To track where all this off-season “campaign” money went, researchers classified the $9.5 million studied here into a dozen spending categories. The top five of these categories (Staff & Consultants, Rent Payments, Travel & Lodging, Administrative/Office, and Gifts/Charitable Contributions) consumed 70 percent of all officeholder expenditures in early 2007.
Total Expenditures by Categories
Category |
For All
Officeholders |
Totals For 6
Officials |
Totals For
Senators |
Totals For
Members |
Staff & Consultants |
$2,668,221 |
$1,145,590 |
$472,382 |
$1,050,250 |
Rent Payments |
$1,078,882 |
$157,563 |
$346,667 |
$574,652 |
Travel & Lodging |
$1,013,145 |
$228,910 |
$336,030 |
$448,205 |
Administrative/Office Expenses |
$997,866 |
$180,956 |
$280,783 |
$537,047 |
Gifts/Charitable Contributions |
$936,777 |
$34,259 |
$346,704 |
$555,815 |
Campaign-Related Expenditures |
$767,134 |
$148,432 |
$145,806 |
$471,975 |
Food, Drinks & Events |
$704,453 |
$53,351 |
$253,265 |
$397,837 |
Miscellaneous |
$587,146 |
$159,648 |
$165,123 |
$262,375 |
Unspecified Loans |
$382,328 |
$158,310 |
$113,278 |
$110,741 |
Political Contributions |
$252,263 |
$22,460 |
$126,830 |
$102,973 |
Unknown |
$79,042 |
$2,250 |
$19,123 |
$57,668 |
Unitemized Credit Cards |
$56,663 |
$0 |
$0 |
$56,663 |
$9,523,921 |
$2,291,729 |
$2,605,991 |
$4,626,201 |
The share of political money spent on these different categories varied considerably between the three kinds of state offices studied—with the biggest differences separating statewide from legislative officeholders. Statewide officeholders are more centralized in Austin than legislators, who typically maintain a presence in Austin and in their districts. So many lawmakers spend a greater share of their political funds on Rent Payments to establish themselves in more than one place. Proportionally, the more centralized operations of statewide officials conserve on rent costs but spend a greater share of their money on Staff & Consultants to extend their political reach across the state.
Many gray areas blur the lines between the spending categories used here. Some of this grayness is a function of poor disclosure by officials. In other cases it is the nature of the beast. The same officeholder may make two payments to the same consulting firm, listing one of the expenditures for a “mailing” and the other for “consulting.” The first would be classified in this schema as a “Campaign-Related Expenditure” and the other under “Staff & Consultants.” Behind the veil of disclosure, both payments might have been used for the exact same purpose. Officeholders can—and will—split these gray hairs. On the whole, however, these classifications reveal real differences in how various officials choose to spend their political funds.

Overall payments to Staff & Consultants consumed 28 percent of political spending in early 2007. Statewide officeholders spent half of their political funds on personnel, a share that dropped to 18 percent for the average senator.
Biggest Spenders on Staff & Consultants
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Dewhurst, David |
R |
Lt. Governor |
$739,136 |
67% |
Perry, Rick |
R |
Governor |
$259,089 |
44% |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$182,865 |
40% |
Abbott, Greg |
R |
Attorney Gen’l |
$94,568 |
26% |
Watson, Kirk |
D |
Senate-14 |
$67,931 |
59% |
O'Day, Mike |
R |
House-29 |
$59,471 |
42% |
King, Phillip |
R |
House-61 |
$57,859 |
50% |
Nelson, Jane |
R |
Senate-12 |
$51,714 |
38% |
Miller, Sid |
R |
House-59 |
$49,540 |
69% |
Combs, Susan |
R |
Comptroller |
$45,406 |
30% |
Keffer, James |
R |
House-60 |
$40,600 |
79% |
Pitts, Jim |
R |
House-10 |
$36,105 |
47% |
Rose, Patrick |
D |
House-45 |
$31,248 |
54% |
West, Royce |
D |
Senate-23 |
$29,249 |
28% |
Janek, Kyle |
R |
Senate-17 |
$28,995 |
23% |
Williams, Tommy |
R |
Senate-4 |
$24,807 |
35% |
Gallegos, Mario |
D |
Senate-6 |
$24,000 |
39% |
Shapleigh, Eliot |
D |
Senate-29 |
$23,982 |
26% |
Straus, Joe |
R |
House-121 |
$23,765 |
50% |
Harris, Chris |
R |
Senate-9 |
$23,482 |
16% |
Largest Single Staff & Consultant Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
LG David Dewhurst |
R |
$128,800 |
A.G.I. |
Consulting expense |
Rep. Michael O'Day |
R |
$32,600 |
J2 Strategies |
Consultation |
Rep. Sidney Miller |
R |
$20,000 |
Todd Smith & Assoc. |
Consulting |
LG David Dewhurst |
R |
$17,122 |
John Doner & Assoc. |
Computer services |
Sen. Eliot Shapleigh |
D |
$15,000 |
Vikki Escobar |
Contract labor |
Rep. Jim Keffer |
R |
$15,000 |
Eppstein Group |
Consulting fees |
Gov. Rick Perry |
R |
$15,000 |
Norway Hill Assoc. |
General Consulting |
Gov. Rick Perry |
R |
$14,000 |
Christopher Leonard |
Consultant |
David Dewhurst |
R |
$13,530 |
Buddy Barfield |
Consulting services |
Rep. Michael O'Day |
R |
$13,000 |
Laura Jackson |
Labor |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Taken together, the officeholders spent 11 percent of their funds on Rent Payments, with this share rising to 13 percent for the senators. While much of these rent payments paid for campaign offices, many lawmakers also use political funds to pay Austin housing expenses.
Biggest Spenders on Rent Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Dewhurst, David |
R |
Lt. Governor |
$62,684 |
6% |
Perry, Rick |
R |
Governor |
$44,980 |
8% |
Brimer, Kim |
R |
Senate-10 |
$29,454 |
30% |
Abbott, Greg |
R |
Attorney Gen’l |
$29,219 |
8% |
West, Royce |
D |
Senate-23 |
$27,068 |
26% |
Estes, Craig |
R |
Senate-30 |
$26,282 |
31% |
Shapiro, Florence |
R |
Senate-8 |
$23,756 |
30% |
Harris, Chris |
R |
Senate-9 |
$22,954 |
16% |
Jackson, 'Mike' |
R |
Senate-11 |
$17,528 |
36% |
Bonnen, Dennis |
R |
House-25 |
$16,046 |
43% |
Lucio III, Eddie |
D |
House-38 |
$15,482 |
25% |
O'Day, Mike |
R |
House-29 |
$15,319 |
11% |
Van De Putte, Leticia |
D |
Senate-26 |
$14,884 |
25% |
Janek, Kyle |
R |
Senate-17 |
$14,825 |
12% |
Shapleigh, Eliot |
D |
Senate-29 |
$14,700 |
16% |
Combs, Susan |
R |
Comptroller |
$14,593 |
10% |
Hinojosa, Juan |
D |
Senate-20 |
$14,509 |
18% |
Wentworth, Jeff |
R |
Senate-25 |
$14,397 |
12% |
Giddings, Helen |
D |
House-109 |
$13,669 |
35% |
Woolley, Beverly |
R |
House-136 |
$13,200 |
25% |
Largest Single Rent Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
LG David Dewhurst |
R |
$14,450 |
TX Assoc. of Counties |
Office rent |
Rep. Beverly Woolley |
R |
$13,200 |
Charles Teeple |
Rent for Austin lodging (6 Months) |
Sen. Troy Fraser |
R |
$9,750 |
Statehouse on Congress |
Apartment Lease - 6 months |
Sen. Kim Brimer |
R |
$7,840 |
Cash America Int. Inc |
Campaign office rent (1 year) |
Sen. Eliot Shapleigh |
D |
$7,750 |
Brian Smith |
Apartment lease |
Sen. Jane Nelson |
R |
$5,500 |
Stewart Lee |
Rental |
Rep. Michael O'Day |
R |
$5,400 |
Signature Accomodations |
Apartment rent |
AG Greg Abbott |
R |
$5,103 |
NNN Lavaca Plaza REO LP |
Rent |
Sen. Eliot Shapleigh |
D |
$4,900 |
701 N. St. Vrain Jt Venture |
Rent/Campaign offices (6 months) |
Sen. Kip Averitt |
R |
$4,872 |
Riverside Square |
Rent |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Travel & Lodging burned through 11 percent of all officeholder costs, with senators spending a slightly larger share of their funds for this purpose. Some of these trips were for official state business and some were campaign trips. Officials failed to specify the purpose of many trips.
Biggest Spenders on Travel & Lodging
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Perry, Rick |
R |
Governor |
$112,926 |
19% |
Abbott, Greg |
R |
Attorney Gen’l |
$69,234 |
19% |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$68,505 |
15% |
Carona, John |
R |
Senate-16 |
$63,249 |
32% |
Fraser, Troy |
R |
Senate-24 |
$51,399 |
64% |
Wentworth, Jeff |
R |
Senate-25 |
$32,934 |
28% |
Estes, Craig |
R |
Senate-30 |
$26,605 |
32% |
Patterson, Jerry |
R |
Land Com. |
$23,884 |
35% |
Deuell, Bob |
R |
Senate-2 |
$20,346 |
21% |
Whitmire, John |
D |
Senate-15 |
$17,782 |
16% |
Gallego, Pete |
D |
House-74 |
$16,346 |
28% |
Ellis, Rodney |
D |
Senate-13 |
$15,092 |
21% |
Eiland, Craig |
D |
House-23 |
$14,014 |
30% |
Haggerty, Patrick |
R |
House-78 |
$13,023 |
37% |
West, Royce |
R |
Senate-23 |
$12,672 |
12% |
Gattis, Dan |
R |
House-20 |
$11,894 |
27% |
Jones, Delwin |
R |
House-83 |
$11,862 |
60% |
Nelson, Jane |
R |
Senate-12 |
$11,852 |
9% |
Shapleigh, Eliot |
D |
Senate-29 |
$10,752 |
12% |
Callegari, Bill |
R |
House-132 |
$10,311 |
28% |
Largest Single Travel & Lodging Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$61,930 |
Associa (Carona’s Co.) |
Corporate jet reimbursements |
AG Greg Abbott |
R |
$29,247 |
Covert Ford |
Campaign Vehicle |
Sen. Troy Fraser |
R |
$26,444 |
Abilene Aero |
Travel expense |
Sen. Jeff Wentworth |
R |
$20,309 |
Lexus Fin’l Services |
Motor vehicle lease |
Sen. Troy Fraser |
R |
$15,212 |
HSB Airport |
Travel expense |
Gov. Rick Perry |
R |
$14,128 |
Georgetown Aviation |
Airplane Expense |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$10,037 |
Basin Aviation |
Travel |
Sen. Eliot Shapleigh |
D |
$8,233 |
Southwest Airlines |
Travel (Jan.-June ‘07) |
Rep. Borris Miles |
D |
$8,100 |
First Class Tours |
Transportation to Austin |
Gov. Rick Perry |
R |
$6,793 |
American Airlines |
Bilderberg conference: Istanbul |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

The average official spent 10 percent of his or her money on Administrative/Office Expenses (such as office supplies and phone bills), with little variation among the three types of offices studied. Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst made the largest single Administrative/Office expenditures. Over two months his campaign reported paying Convio a remarkable total of $47,374 for “web hosting fees.”
Biggest Spenders on Administrative/Office Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Dewhurst, David |
R |
Lt. Governor |
$75,278 |
7% |
Perry, Rick |
R |
Governor |
$48,874 |
8% |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$27,567 |
6% |
Abbott, Greg |
R |
Attorney Gen’l |
$27,123 |
7% |
Janek, Kyle |
R |
Senate-17 |
$25,255 |
20% |
Branch, Dan |
R |
House-108 |
$17,970 |
27% |
Zaffirini, Judith |
D |
Senate-21 |
$17,202 |
21% |
Raymond, Richard |
D |
House-42 |
$17,201 |
17% |
King, Phillip |
R |
House-61 |
$16,896 |
15% |
Williams, Tommy |
R |
Senate-4 |
$16,774 |
24% |
Nelson, Jane |
R |
Senate-12 |
$16,752 |
12% |
Combs, Susan |
R |
Comptroller |
$15,898 |
10% |
Uresti, Carlos |
D |
Senate-19 |
$13,718 |
22% |
Hinojosa, Juan |
D |
Senate-20 |
$12,436 |
16% |
Nichols, Robert |
R |
Senate-3 |
$12,221 |
8% |
Gattis, Dan |
R |
House-20 |
$11,953 |
27% |
Estes, Craig |
R |
Senate-30 |
$11,288 |
13% |
Wentworth, Jeff |
R |
Senate-25 |
$10,964 |
9% |
Shapiro, Florence |
R |
Senate-8 |
$10,944 |
14% |
Creighton, Brandon |
R |
House-16 |
$10,892 |
32% |
Largest Single Administrative/Office Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
LG David Dewhurst |
R |
$23,687 |
Convio, Inc. |
Web hosting fees |
Rep. Terri Hodge |
D |
*$8,658 |
Target |
Cell phone minutes |
Rep. Dan Gattis |
R |
$7,838 |
Dell Computers, Inc. |
Office computer equipment |
Rep. Drew Darby |
R |
$5,506 |
West Office Interiors |
Office Furniture |
Gov. Rick Perry |
R |
$5,118 |
DFS Acceptance |
Computers |
Rep. Jim Dunnam |
D |
$4,919 |
TX Correctional Industries |
Furniture |
Rep. Richard Raymond |
D |
$4,763 |
B&H Photo Video Pro |
Camera & Video Camera |
Rep. Marc Veasey |
D |
$4,738 |
Lasting Impressions |
Decoration of capitol office |
Sen. Kyle Janek |
R |
$4,333 |
Apple Online |
Officeholder computer |
Sen. Jeff Wentworth |
R |
$4,150 |
Texas Senate |
Senate calendars/envelopes |
*This amount probably was misreported, perhaps by misplacing the decimal in $86.58.
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.
Rep. Terri Hodge reported spending $8,658 at Target for “cell phone minutes.” Given that her campaign previously reported spending $86.59 for a similar purchase, this likely was a decimal-point typo—albeit a Freudian one. In October federal prosecutors—citing 30,822 wiretapped phone calls—indicted Rep. Hodge and 13 others on bribery charges related to Dallas public-housing contracts.2 A retired Southwestern Bell manager, Rep. Hodge may not have needed the website wisegeek.com to know that “stores like Target” sell relatively anonymous “pay as you go phones” that track accounts by cell number “so you don’t even have to give the company your name!”3 Rep. Hodge reported her first Target cell-phone purchase on June 3, 2005. Reports of the federal bribery probe surfaced three weeks later, when the FBI raided properties of a developer and of ex-members of the Dallas City Council.4

Officials spent 10 percent of all their political funds on Gifts/Charitable contributions. Lawmakers, who frequently exchange gifts with fellow members of legislative committees, accounted for most of this spending. Gifts/Charitable contributions accounted for just 2 percent of the money spent by statewide officials.
Biggest Spenders on Gifts/Charitable Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Carona, John |
R |
Senate-16 |
$36,882 |
19% |
Harris, Chris |
R |
Senate-9 |
$35,267 |
24% |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$32,887 |
7% |
Geren, Charlie |
R |
House-99 |
$31,331 |
46% |
Wentworth, Jeff |
R |
Senate-25 |
$30,000 |
26% |
Deuell, Bob |
R |
Senate-2 |
$25,469 |
26% |
Janek, Kyle |
R |
Senate-17 |
$18,812 |
15% |
Hilderban, Harvey |
R |
House-53 |
$18,254 |
47% |
Crabb, Joe |
R |
House-127 |
$14,964 |
73% |
Perry, Rick |
R |
Governor |
$14,682 |
3% |
Brimer, Kim |
R |
Senate-10 |
$14,311 |
15% |
Zaffirini, Judith |
D |
Senate-21 |
$13,841 |
17% |
Chisum, Warren |
R |
House-88 |
$12,988 |
32% |
Van De Putte, Leticia |
D |
Senate-26 |
$12,753 |
21% |
Averitt, Kip |
R |
Senate-22 |
$12,373 |
22% |
Uresti, Carlos |
D |
Senate-19 |
$12,175 |
20% |
Hinojosa, Juan |
D |
Senate-20 |
$11,348 |
14% |
Nelson, Jane |
R |
Senate-12 |
$10,996 |
8% |
Lucio Jr., Eddie |
D |
Senate-27 |
$10,637 |
17% |
Goolsby, Tony |
R |
House-102 |
$10,300 |
22% |
Largest Single Gift/Charitable Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$14,397 |
Southwest Numismatic Corp. |
Texana for charities/colleagues |
Charles Geren |
R |
$12,636 |
Fort Worth Stock Show |
Contribution |
Gov. Rick Perry |
R |
$10,778 |
Perini Ranch Steak House |
Constituent gifts |
Sen. Kyle Janek |
R |
$10,000 |
MH Foundation |
Sponsorship |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$6,885 |
John Rowe |
Texana for civic fundraisers |
Rep. Harvey Hilderbran |
R |
$6,619 |
Hill Country Jr. Livestock Show |
Donation |
Rep. Charles Geren |
R |
$5,325 |
Tarrant Co. Jr. Livestock Show |
Donation |
Sen. Jeff Wentworth |
R |
$5,000 |
Alamo Heights School Fdn. |
Charitable contribution |
Sen. Jane Nelson |
R |
$5,000 |
Treitsch Memorial UMC |
Veteran's Memorial Plaza |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$5,000 |
TX Archive of Moving Image |
Donation |
Rep. Joe Crabb |
R |
$5,000 |
Grace Campus Ministries |
Donation |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Officials spent 8 percent of all their political funds on Campaign-Related Expenditures. Members of the House—where the Democrats made the biggest inroads against Republican rule—spent 10 percent of their funds on Campaign-Related Expenditures such as mailings, advertising, phone banks and fundraising. Their colleagues in the Senate and statewide offices—which are under tighter GOP control—respectively spent just 6 percent of their political funds on Campaign-Related Expenditures. Given that many Staff & Consultant expenditures are campaign-related, it is not surprising that personnel absorbed 23 percent of House spending compared to 18 percent in the Senate.
Biggest Spenders on Campaign-Related Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Perry, Rick |
R |
Governor |
$90,149 |
15% |
Flores, Kino |
D |
House-36 |
$47,352 |
43% |
O'Day, Mike |
R |
House-29 |
$44,898 |
32% |
King, Susan |
R |
House-71 |
$35,360 |
99% |
Dewhurst, David |
R |
Lt. Governor |
$34,959 |
3% |
Goolsby, Tony |
R |
House-102 |
$26,971 |
57% |
Carona, John |
R |
Senate-16 |
$26,432 |
13% |
Leibowitz, David |
D |
House-117 |
$22,546 |
86% |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$20,532 |
5% |
Raymond, Richard |
D |
House-42 |
$15,045 |
15% |
Janek, Kyle |
R |
Senate-17 |
$14,627 |
12% |
Combs, Susan |
R |
Comptroller |
$14,238 |
9% |
Davis, John |
R |
House-129 |
$13,755 |
27% |
Harris, Chris |
R |
Senate-9 |
$13,153 |
9% |
Cook, Byron |
R |
House-8 |
$11,983 |
59% |
Merritt, Tommy |
R |
House-7 |
$11,076 |
43% |
Ellis, Rodney |
D |
Senate-13 |
$10,595 |
15% |
Zerwas, John |
R |
House-28 |
$10,341 |
36% |
West, Royce |
D |
Senate-23 |
$9,507 |
9% |
Hinojosa, Juan |
D |
Senate-20 |
$9,484 |
12% |
Largest Single Campaign-Related Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
Gov. Rick Perry |
R |
$36,632 |
Delisi Communications |
Printing |
Rep. Michael O'Day |
R |
$35,299 |
J2 Strategies LP |
Advertising |
Rep. Susan King |
R |
$35,000 |
Susan King |
Campaign loan repayment |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$23,977 |
McIntosh Company |
Fundraising fees |
Rep. Tony Goolsby |
R |
$15,998 |
Tony Goolsby |
Reimburse political expenditures |
Rep. Kino Flores |
D |
$14,000 |
Kem Texas LTD |
Billboard ad |
Sen. Rodney Ellis |
D |
$10,440 |
Campaign Strategies |
Design & mail New Year cards |
Rep. Byron Cook |
R |
$10,000 |
Eppstein Group |
Campaign Advertising |
Rep. Kino Flores |
D |
$10,000 |
M.G. Advertising |
Campaign materials |
Rep. David Leibowitz |
D |
$10,000 |
Kelly Graphics |
Professional Services |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Food, Drinks & Events accounted for 7 percent of all political expenditures. This expense—which also can enhance personal lifestyles and waistlines—accounted for 9 percent of House expenditures, 10 percent of Senate expenditures and just 2 percent of spending by statewide officials.
Biggest Spenders on Food, Drinks & Events Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$69,778 |
15% |
Whitmire, John |
D |
Senate-15 |
$38,287 |
34% |
Carona, John |
R |
Senate-16 |
$28,305 |
14% |
Deuell, Bob |
R |
Senate-2 |
$19,145 |
20% |
Pitts, Jim |
R |
House-10 |
$17,826 |
23% |
Duncan, Robert L. |
R |
Senate-28 |
$17,076 |
25% |
Perry, Rick |
R |
Governor |
$14,673 |
3% |
Dewhurst, David |
R |
Lt. Governor |
$13,938 |
1% |
Lucio Jr., Eddie |
D |
Senate-27 |
$13,927 |
22% |
Miles, Borris |
D |
House-146 |
$13,356 |
49% |
Nelson, Jane |
R |
Senate-12 |
$11,997 |
9% |
Patterson, Jerry |
R |
Land Com. |
$11,581 |
17% |
Van De Putte, Leticia |
D |
Senate-26 |
$11,294 |
19% |
Chisum, Warren |
R |
House-88 |
$10,735 |
26% |
Oliveira, Rene |
D |
House-37 |
$10,177 |
34% |
Estes, Craig |
R |
Senate-30 |
$9,486 |
11% |
Averitt, Kip |
R |
Senate-22 |
$9,175 |
16% |
Lucio III, Eddie |
D |
House-38 |
$8,005 |
13% |
Woolley, Beverly |
R |
House-136 |
$7,974 |
15% |
Truitt, Vicki |
R |
House-98 |
$7,671 |
19% |
Largest Single Food & Events Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
Rep. Jim Pitts |
R |
$8,623 |
Kurant Events |
Catering swearing-in Party |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$7,165 |
Word of Mouth Catering |
Business meeting |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$6,382 |
Headliners Club |
Event Expense |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$6,148 |
Littlefield Hospitality. Inc. |
Event Expense |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$5,844 |
HEB Credit Receivables |
Bus. expenses |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$5,168 |
Maggiano's |
Dinner - precinct chairs |
LG David Dewhurst |
R |
$5,143 |
Four Seasons Austin |
Event expense |
Sen. Jane Nelson |
R |
$4,995 |
Circle R Ranch |
Event |
Sen. John Whitmire |
D |
$4,943 |
Houston Texans |
Constituent entertainment |
Rep. Michael O'Day |
R |
$4,851 |
Omni Hotel Austin |
Reception |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$4,534 |
III Fork |
Dinner: Trans. Committee/staff |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Six percent of all political expenditures fell into the Miscellaneous category. The largest Miscellaneous expenditures were federal tax payments. Most of these appear to be taxes paid on income earned investing surplus campaign funds. With one exception, the officeholders listed on the accompanying list of big Miscellaneous spenders had $100,000 or more in the bank at the end of 2006. This category also includes lump-sum reimbursements for expenditures in multiple categories. Rep. Ken Paxton’s largest single expenditure in early 2007, for example, was a $56,435 reimbursement to himself for unspecified expenditures that he reportedly made on postage and Taste of Texas tickets, as well as unspecified expenditures at Crate & Barrel and the Capitol Gift Shop.
Biggest Spenders on Miscellaneous Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s Share of Total
Expenditures |
Campaign Cash
On Hand
12/31/2006 |
Abbott, Greg |
R |
Attorney Gen’l |
$110,833 |
31% |
$5,646,985 |
Paxton, Ken |
R |
House-70 |
$57,696 |
82% |
$362,959 |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$44,950 |
10% |
$4,181,656 |
Combs, Susan |
R |
Comptroller |
$34,510 |
23% |
$1,454,363 |
Whitmire, John |
D |
Senate-15 |
$34,050 |
30% |
$3,152,591 |
Ellis, Rodney |
D |
Senate-13 |
$18,013 |
25% |
$1,800,211 |
Watson, Kirk |
D |
Senate-14 |
$16,738 |
15% |
$1,213,822 |
Staples, Todd |
R |
Agricult. Com. |
$10,981 |
40% |
$262,981 |
Ogden, Steve |
R |
Senate-5 |
$9,260 |
23% |
$712,138 |
Nelson, Jane |
R |
Senate-12 |
$9,006 |
7% |
$979,596 |
Zaffirini, Judith |
D |
Senate-21 |
$8,060 |
10% |
$806,228 |
West, Royce |
D |
Senate-23 |
$7,627 |
7% |
$747,581 |
Callegari, Bill |
R |
House-132 |
$6,072 |
16% |
$199,927 |
Giddings, Helen |
D |
House-109 |
$5,772 |
15% |
$143,257 |
Duncan, Robert |
R |
Senate-28 |
$5,058 |
7% |
$345,848 |
Brimer, Kim |
R |
Senate-10 |
$4,979 |
5% |
$1,036,014 |
McCall, Brian |
R |
House-66 |
$4,781 |
13% |
$525,240 |
Harris, Chris |
R |
Senate-9 |
$4,755 |
3% |
$400,963 |
Branch, Dan |
R |
House-108 |
$4,700 |
7% |
$372,366 |
Uresti, Carlos |
D |
Senate-19 |
$4,640 |
7% |
$73,973 |
Largest Single Miscellaneous Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
AG Greg Abbott |
R |
$94,450 |
Taxes |
Rep. Ken Paxton |
R |
$56,436 |
Ken Paxton |
Reimbursing various expenditures |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$43,735 |
Bank of America |
Tax-1120-POL |
Comp. Susan Combs |
R |
$34,000 |
Federal Income Taxes |
Sen. John Whitmire |
D |
$27,000 |
Sterling Bank |
Estimated tax payment |
AG Greg Abbott |
R |
$14,187 |
State Comptroller |
Taxes |
Sen. Kirk Watson |
D |
$12,288 |
Taxes |
Ag. Com. Todd Staples |
R |
$8,722 |
2006 taxes |
Sen. Stephen Ogden |
R |
$8,505 |
US Treasury |
2006 tax |
Sen. Rodney Ellis |
D |
$8,429 |
JPMorgan Chase |
2006 federal taxes; Bank service charge |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Officials make payments on campaign loans and vehicle loans and even have been known to make mortgage payments. When officials specified that a loan payment was for a campaign loan, researchers classified the expense as a Campaign-Related Expenditure. Loan payments were classified as “Unspecified Loans,” however, when the purpose of a loan was not stated or if the stated purpose was unclear. Unspecified Loans ate up 4 percent of all Campaign-Related Expenditures in early 2007, rising to 7 percent in the case of the statewide officials. While most of these payments seem to be campaign loans, Sen. Eliot Shapleigh appears to have paid a whopping $2,741 in finance charges on unspecified credit-card purchases.
Biggest Spenders on Unspecified-Loan Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Dewhurst, David |
R |
Lt. Governor |
$158,023 |
14% |
Nichols, Robert |
R |
Senate-3 |
$110,000 |
71% |
Raymond, Richard |
D |
House-42 |
$47,350 |
47% |
Strama, Mark |
D |
House-50 |
$30,000 |
82% |
Lucio III, Eddie |
D |
House-38 |
$8,750 |
14% |
Riddle, Debbie |
R |
House-150 |
$5,000 |
52% |
Bolton, Valinda |
D |
House-47 |
$4,123 |
22% |
Patrick, Diane |
R |
House-94 |
$3,000 |
20% |
Shapleigh, Eliot |
D |
Senate-29 |
$2,271 |
2% |
Swinford, David |
R |
House-87 |
$2,255 |
7% |
Frost, Stephen |
D |
House-1 |
$1,634 |
24% |
Gonzalez, Yvonne |
D |
House-35 |
$1,607 |
17% |
Dukes, Dawnna |
D |
House-46 |
$1,392 |
5% |
West, Royce |
D |
Senate-23 |
$1,007 |
1% |
Martinez, Armando |
D |
House-39 |
$1,000 |
5% |
Largest Single Unspecified Loan Payments
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
Sen. Robert Nichols |
R |
$100,000 |
Robert Nichols |
Loan payment |
LG David Dewhurst |
R |
$40,591 |
Compass Bank |
Interest payment |
Rep. Mark Strama |
D |
$30,000 |
Mark Strama |
Loan payment |
Rep. Richard Raymond |
D |
$10,000 |
Richard Raymond* |
Loan reimbursement* |
Rep. Deborah Riddle |
R |
$5,000 |
Michael Riddle |
Loan reimbursement |
Rep. Valinda Bolton |
D |
$4,123 |
Andy Hathcock |
Loan payment |
Rep. Diane Patrick |
R |
$3,000 |
Diane Patrick |
Loan payment |
Sen. Eliot Shapleigh |
D |
$2,271 |
Cardmember Service |
Finance charge |
Rep. Eduardo Lucio |
D |
$1,750 |
Lone Star Nat’l Bank |
Loan payment |
Rep. Stephen Frost |
D |
$1,634 |
Century Bank |
Loan payment |
*Reimbursing self for repaying part of International Bank of Commerce loan.
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Political Contributions accounted for 3 percent of all political expenditures, with most of these contributions benefiting PACs affiliated with the two dominant parties. Senators directed 5 percent of their spending to Political Contributions, more than twice the share that House members and the statewide officials dedicated to this purpose.
Biggest Spenders on Political Contributions
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Carona, John |
R |
Senate-16 |
$23,433 |
12% |
Harris, Chris |
R |
Senate-9 |
$14,266 |
10% |
Abbott, Greg |
R |
Attorney Gen’l |
$13,500 |
4% |
Nelson, Jane |
R |
Senate-12 |
$9,100 |
7% |
Shapiro, Florence |
R |
Senate-8 |
$9,060 |
11% |
Gallegos, Mario |
D |
Senate-6 |
$7,500 |
12% |
Talton, Robert |
R |
House-144 |
$7,000 |
36% |
Deuell, Bob |
R |
Senate-2 |
$6,857 |
7% |
Wentworth, Jeff |
R |
Senate-25 |
$6,750 |
6% |
Brimer, Kim |
R |
Senate-10 |
$6,575 |
7% |
Combs, Susan |
R |
Comptroller |
$6,560 |
4% |
Janek, Kyle |
R |
Senate-17 |
$6,010 |
5% |
Estes, Craig |
R |
Senate-30 |
$5,500 |
7% |
Flores, Kino |
D |
House-36 |
$5,368 |
5% |
Veasey, Marc |
D |
House-95 |
$5,070 |
19% |
King, Phillip |
R |
House-61 |
$4,730 |
4% |
Ogden, Steve |
R |
Senate-5 |
$4,400 |
11% |
Coleman, Garnet |
D |
House-147 |
$4,250 |
7% |
Williams, Tommy |
R |
Senate-4 |
$4,002 |
6% |
Shapleigh, Eliot |
D |
Senate-29 |
$4,000 |
4% |
Largest Single Political Contributions
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$11,103 |
Rep. Bill Keffer Campaign |
Contribution |
Sen. John Carona |
R |
$10,000 |
Dallas Co. Republican Party |
Contribution |
AG Greg Abbott |
R |
$5,000 |
Republican Party of Texas |
Donation |
Sen. Florence Shapiro |
R |
$5,000 |
Republican Jewish Coalition |
Dues |
Sen. Jane Nelson |
R |
$5,000 |
Tarrant Co. Republican Party |
Donation |
Sen. Chris Harris |
R |
$5,000 |
Denton Co. Republican Party |
Sponsorship |
Sen. Mario Gallegos |
D |
$5,000 |
Carol Alvarado Campaign |
Contribution |
Sen. Craig Estes |
R |
$5,000 |
Tom Leppert Campaign |
Contribution |
Sen. Kim Brimer |
R |
$5,000 |
Tarrant Co. Republican Party |
Contribution |
Sen. Florence Shapiro |
R |
$3,960 |
American Israel Public Affairs Com. |
Dues & Reception |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

The reporting on one out of every 100 dollars spent was so murky that researchers categorized it as Unknown. Rep. Rafael Anchia reported paying $5,471 to unspecified “characters” for four mystery invoices (even mysteries require more “character” development than this). In another mystery, Rep. Kino Flores reported spending a total of $200 over two months at a Quick Stop near the Mexican border for a “family funeral.”5 Many officials reported major reimbursements to officeholders, staff or legislative committees for unspecified expenditures. Attorney General Greg Abbott’s campaign spent $1,280 on insurance without disclosing if it was life, health, vehicle, home or some other kind of insurance.
Biggest Spenders on Unknown Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category’s
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Davis, Yvonne |
D |
House-111 |
$12,480 |
58% |
Lucio III, Eddie |
D |
House-38 |
$6,907 |
11% |
Harris, Chris |
R |
Senate-9 |
$6,806 |
5% |
Anchia, Rafael |
D |
House-103 |
$5,471 |
14% |
Woolley, Beverley |
R |
House-136 |
$5,260 |
10% |
Dunnam, Jim |
D |
House-57 |
$4,846 |
9% |
Flores, Kino |
D |
House-36 |
$4,312 |
4% |
Turner, Sylvester |
D |
House-139 |
$3,567 |
7% |
Watson, Kirk |
D |
Senate-14 |
$2,986 |
3% |
Uresti, Carlos |
D |
Senate-19 |
$2,235 |
4% |
Quintanilla, ‘Chente’ |
D |
House-75 |
$2,000 |
9% |
Craddick, Tom |
R |
House-82 |
$1,850 |
0% |
Gallegos, Mario |
D |
Senate-6 |
$1,330 |
2% |
Averitt, Kip |
R |
Senate-22 |
$1,320 |
2% |
West, Royce |
D |
Senate-23 |
$1,290 |
1% |
Abbott, Greg |
R |
Attorney Gen’l |
$1,280 |
0% |
Pitts, Jim |
R |
House-10 |
$1,251 |
2% |
Coleman, Garnet |
D |
House-147 |
$1,201 |
2% |
Whitmire, John |
D |
Senate-15 |
$1,072 |
1% |
Lucio Jr., Eddie |
D |
Senate-27 |
$995 |
2% |
Largest Single Unknown Expenditures
Officeholder |
Party |
Amount |
Recipient |
Filer’s Description |
Rep. Rafael Anchia |
D |
$5,471 |
Characters |
Invoices 24765 24766 24767 24768 |
Rep. Beverly Woolley |
R |
$5,260 |
House Administration |
Office Expense |
Rep. Yvonne Davis |
D |
$4,320 |
House Administration Com. |
Reimburse House account |
Rep. Jim Dunnam |
D |
$2,524 |
Jim Dunnam |
Reimburse expenses paid |
Rep. Chente Quintanilla |
D |
$2,000 |
Chente Quintanilla |
Reimburse expenditures |
Rep. Eduardo Lucio |
D |
$1,909 |
Ruben O'Bell |
Reimbursements. Receipts on file. |
Rep. Tom Craddick |
R |
$1,850 |
Bonnie Bates |
Business meeting |
Rep. Kino Flores |
D |
$1,650 |
Rita Uresti |
Reimbursement |
Sen. Kirk Watson |
D |
$1,416 |
Sarah Chanslor |
Reimbursement |
Sen. Kip Averitt |
R |
$1,320 |
Robyn Mills |
Office Expense |
AG Greg Abbott |
R |
$1,280 |
Adams Insurance Service |
Insurance |
Note: Excludes multiple checks from a campaign to the same recipient.

Credit-card expenditures that fall short of state accounting standards accounted for less than 1 percent of all campaign expenditures. A 1981 law requires campaigns and officeholders to disclose what goods or services were bought with the credit card and the actual vendor compensated via the credit card. Acting on complaints over the past year, the Texas Ethics Commission fined 11 current and former lawmakers, led by Rep. Ed Kuempel, for failing to itemize campaign credit-card payments.6 In August a Houston Chronicle investigation reported that Texas legislators led by Sen. Carlos Uresti failed to itemize almost $900,000 in credit card payments since January 2005.7 Other related complaints are pending with the Texas Ethics Commission.
With this recent spotlight on this abuse, statewide and senate officials appear to be itemizing credit-card expenditures. Yet the problem persists in the House. In the first half of 2007, 11 lawmakers made 50 improper campaign credit-card payments totaling $56,663. At a minimum, they failed to disclose the vendor of their credit-card purchase. In some cases, they even failed to disclose what they bought on credit. Some of these lawmakers told the Chronicle in August that they would amend their filings and pay any fines levied. The unitemized credit-card expenditures discussed here had not been amended by the time research on this report began in mid-September.
All Spenders on Unitemized Credit Cards
Officeholder |
Party |
Office |
Expenditures |
This Category's
Share of Total
Expenditures |
Coleman, Garnet |
D |
House-147 |
$24,720 |
42% |
Hardcastle, Rick |
R |
House-68 |
$8,186 |
27% |
Hamilton, Mike |
R |
House-19 |
$7,016 |
50% |
Eiland, Craig |
D |
House-23 |
$6,227 |
13% |
Hopson, Chuck |
D |
House-11 |
$2,696 |
23% |
Martinez Fischer, Trey |
D |
House-116 |
$2,528 |
10% |
Turner, Sylvester |
D |
House-139 |
$2,390 |
5% |
Keffer, James |
R |
House-60 |
$1,211 |
2% |
Berman, Leo |
R |
House-6 |
$756 |
9% |
Brown, Fred |
R |
House-14 |
$624 |
9% |
Driver, Joe |
R |
House-113 |
$309 |
1% |
Largest Unitemized Credit-Card Expenditures
Expenditure Description |
Coleman |
$5,665 |
Meals Gas Rental car supplies additional xmas ornaments… |
Coleman |
$5,460 |
Gas Meals Flowers LSG event Holliday ornaments Supplies… |
Coleman |
$4,156 |
Supplies for house Austin Meals Cert. Parks Dept |
Coleman |
$4,006 |
Fundraising mailout for LSG |
Hopson |
$2,607 |
Food travel postage and office supplies |
Hardcastle |
$2,303 |
Meals698.90; fuel330.18; lodging170.72; carrepair112.79; entertainment62.80; AustinHouse857.49 |
Hamilton |
$1,879 |
Credit card charges for travel expenses |
Eiland |
$1,866 |
Austin travel expenses |
Coleman |
$1,589 |
Meals Gas Rentals Hotels Austin |
Hamilton |
$1,525 |
Travel expenses |
Hardcastle |
$1,468 |
Fuel-$525.68; meals-$289.72; furniture rental-$234.36; expenses… |
Eiland |
$1,441 |
Austin expenses |
Martinez F. |
$1,435 |
Christmas ornaments for constituents |
Hamilton |
$1,389 |
Credit card charges for travel meals lodging office supplies expenses |
Eiland |
$1,389 |
Austin travel expenses |
Hardcastle |
$1,362 |
Fuel-$483.32; meals-$466.08; furniture rental-$263.36; Austin expenses… |
Coleman |
$1,248 |
Meals Gas Snacks for opening day party rooms for Houston staff retreat |
Keffer |
$1,211 |
Committee dinner |
Hamilton |
$1,205 |
Credit card charges for travel meals lodging office supplies expenses |
During the time that this report was being written, several lawmakers filed expenditure reports to correct problems cited in this report.
On Jan. 14, 2008, Rep. Jose Menendez filed his missing campaign report
that had been due six months earlier. It reported that he spent
$39,143 in the first half of 2007.
While this report was being prepared in late 2007, two House members
cited here for failing to itemize credit-card expenditures--Reps.
Garnet Coleman and Fred Brown--filed corrected reports to remedy this
2 “Evidence detailed in City Hall case,” Dallas Morning News, October 10, 2007.
3 See http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-pay-as-you-go-cell-phone-plan.htm
4 “Hill, Fantroy firms searched,” Dallas Morning News, June 21, 2005.
5 In a possible clue, one of the payments specified that it was for a “Pena family funeral.”
6 The agent fined Rep. Ed Kuempel ($8,500). It also fined Reps. Buddy West ($6,400); Vicki Truitt ($5,300); Allan Ritter ($2,800); John Davis ($1,000); Rick Noriega ($1,000); Gary Elkins ($2,000); and Sid Miller ($800). Former Reps. Bob Griggs ($3,600), Gene Seaman ($2,500) and Peggy Harmric ($300) also were fined. The fines followed complaints by Houston-area political activist John Cobarruvias.
7Dozens of lawmakers failing to meet ethic rules, " Houston Chronicle, August 12, 2007. See also "Do Campaign funds bankroll a cushy lifestyle?" Dallas Morning News, December 17, 2006.